Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Term equals New SPEW!

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back to Hogwarts!

I'm so glad to be the SPEW director this time around.

The first thing we need to do is talk charities. I have a few in mind for the US, but I need to hear from the international participants as to what they'd like.

So, for the US, there are a few choices, and I'd love to hear what your thoughts are and which one we should choose...

1. Children's Hospital of Orange County-Santa Ana, CA
2. Albany Medical Center Children's Hospital-Albany, NY (this one is specifically requesting preemie hats and blankies...)
3. Jimmy fund and Caps for Kids-Boston, MA

so, if we could pick one of those...and I am very partial to one...but I'm leaving it open...
Post a response, and majority rules!

But just an aside here-
I want to let all of you know from personal experience-these items are the best things ever. You really feel loved and cared for when your child or you recieves one. My son recieved a blanket, hat and vest when he was in NICU, and it was the most welcome thing. It gave us a sense of normalcy in a very roller coaster ride.

So, know that any one of these charities that we pick is going to be thrilled, and patients are going to feel loved.


Morgana Black said...

Any group is fine with me. :)

Mrs.Haggie810 said...

Any is fine with me, but the Albany New York sounds great! I'd love to make some preemie stuff! Just a question...but is there a reason we can't send some stuff to each of them? Thanks for organinzing this! I'm so excited!

pren said...

which group are you partial to? and why? is it the group that helped you out with the stuff for your little one? i am ok with any charity you pick :0)

Emma Wigworthy said...

Bonnie babies in th UK again please

Emma Gorodok said...

I'm fine with any group, and as it seems to be Bonnie Babies again for Europe, I'll start knitting preemie hats again next week